Akshar Milk – Gir Cow Milk in Vadodara

We not only focus on mass milk production, but we also focus on quality and cow’s calves. We have that advance facility to view our whole farm and process live any time by being our registered client.

We use multi layered paper packaging System

NO pesticides used in cow food

cows fed naturally grown food at our farm 100% organic

NO growth hormones

cows have access to farm / outdoor

well feeded calf before milking

Pure and Fresh Online Milk Delivery in Vadodara

Vedic Planning for Dairy Farming

Protect them from climatic / seasonal changes like hot and cold temperature, too much scorching sunlight, high humidity, strong winds and heavy rain fall, safety from disease causing parasites / insects.

What is A1 / A2 Milk ?

Gir cow milk is categorized as A2 milk. Regular consumption of A2 milk has shown reduction in autism in children, schizophrenic symptoms, incidence of cardiovascular disease , type-1 diabetes and various neurological, endocrine and immunological disorders.Cow’s milk contains two major protein groups; caseins and whey proteins and out of which caseins account for 80% of milk protein.

  • Among the caseins, beta casein is the second most abundant protein and has excellent nutritional balance of amino acids. There are 12 genetic variants of beta casein (A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, H1, H2, and I ) and out of these A1 and A2 are the most common. The A1 and A2 variants differ only by one amino acid, which is histidine in A1 and proline in A2.
  • The milk which contain only A1 beta casein protein known as A1 milk while which contain A2 beta casein protein called as A2 milk. All Indian native cattle breeds like Gir cow produces only A2 milk.
  • While the foreign cattle breeds like HF breed produces only A1 type of milk and Jersey breed produces higher A1 and low A2 milk. During 1963 under Intensive Cattle development Project (ICDP), cross breeding of native cattle with exotic dairy cattle breeds was introduced in India to increase milk production.
  • Most of our pure native breeds of India are vanished and some are on the way of extinction due to this cross breeding programme. Whatever milk we get from the various sources is either A1 milk or mixture of A1 milk.
  • Gir cow is one of the oldest native cow of India.
  • Gir cow produces only A2 type of milk.